August 7, 2013

Accessorizing Head-to-Toe Challenge

I really love all these creative bloggers who come up with awesome historical costuming challenges, but I've never joined in before.  I'm not sure why- perhaps I just didn't have confidence in my ability to keep up with the rigorous schedule they often impose.  But this has all changed with Trystan's Accessories Challenge!

Check out the Challenge at Trystan's Blog!

Doesn't that sound awesome!  She's already put up the first three challenges- September is HATS (my favorite thing in the world, OF COURSE!) then purses and bags in October and fans in November!

Totally doable and super fun challenges!  So exciting!  Exclamation Point!

Anyone else joining in?


  1. Thanks for joining! I added you on the list of participating bloggers (first one :).
